Friday 6 October 2017

Week 12 : New Media Trend

    Social media has always been a part of our lives. We use it for entertainment, business, academic studies, among other things and it has made an impact on our society. Now, one of those social media happens to be WhatsApp, a social media app that could be used on both smartphones and computers. But it's mostly used on smartphones.
    WhatsApp is used worldwide, and it's mostly used for starting conversations to other users of the app. There's even a PC version of the app, but the downside is that you need to be connected through WhatsApp via phone first. They could also send photos and videos, and in the most recent update, it seems WhatsApp could upload 'stories' just like in Instagram. It's also used for in commercials, or advertisements to let people know how to contact them, or to find out more information.

    I don't know what would happen to our society in the future, but from what I can observe at the present time, there is one or two possibilities that would happen. Firstly, medias that we use today such as Blogger and Facebook would eventually be abandoned and forgotten for newer and easier media platforms. For example, Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram.

    I often use Twitter to post photos and my artworks, and check out the latest memes, posts from my followed Twitter users and also world events. Although, Twitter is more of a way to post photos than looking for news. Twitter from what I can see, is more likely to be one of the top media platforms on par with Instagram in the future.

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