Thursday 28 September 2017

Week 5.2 : The average internet consumer

The average internet consumer

    In an exercise about the average internet consumer, our group created a character based on each group member and the internet culture together. Her name is Kayla Horth (Based on my unrelated OC Character "Kayla Nitrous') and is 20 years old. She lives in a MMU hostel and is a senior in Johor Multimedia University. She likes to criticize people of their faults (A reference based on one of the characteristics of my OC Character), incredibly skilled in Photoshop (Based on our Computer Graphics teacher Kamarulzaman bin Russali) and is very rich (Another reference based on my OC Character).

    She spends her time using Photoshop, to make her images more beautiful before posting in social media, mostly on Instagram, with a #nofilter (a joke about any image edited each time and a meme that was once famous. They are created and shared in the internet.)

    We wrote, 'expects to have a million followers', because she has a lot of talent in Photo Editing and expects people to recognize her talents too soon in social media. As for her basic knowledge, Kayla knows all the fashion trends, because she grew up watching models on the internet and on television.

    Her goal is to become a Photo Editor. Kayla is a Fashionholic and a liberal, as she believes in equality.

    We divided the aspects of Kayla's life that are being affected by the Internet into three main sections: Riches, Viral and Social Media.

Some of these main branches split into different sections.

 Riches :-

 1) Ego :

 - Surprisingly, despite her beliefs, she only befriends people who are on the same level as her.
 - She thinks that she is the leader of The Pack (Her Twitter group).
 - She always thinks that she is always correct and cannot take criticism.

 2) Boast :

 - Likes to boast and show off about her riches.
 - Criticizes people who are on a lower level than her.
 - Shares her stuff on Social Media.

 Viral :-

 - Shares irrelevant or fake news on her page in social media, which are then shared by her followers and criticized by her haters.
 - Shares the latest fashion trends in social media, which in return makes her gain more followers.

 Social Media :-

 1) Popularity :

 - Posts personal photos, which are adored by her followers and makes her more popular.

 2) Invading Privacy :

 - Exposes someone's secret and is then labelled as a 'busybody'.
 - Likes to ruin people's image and is definitely hated by her 'targets'.

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