Monday 7 August 2017

Week 1 : What is Media?

    The Media is a form of medium that are the main means of mass communication in the Modern Age. The people of the modern age have used the media to their advantage such as for Broadcasting News and Weather Reports, Publishing Newspapers and uploading Pictures and videos on the Internet. They are the means of communication.

Here are a few Definitions of Media :-


  • Media is a form of medium presented in the Modern Age. It can also be described as the means of communication such as radios, televisions, newspapers, magazines and the Internet, all of which can reach and influence people widely. 
  • The means of communication that reach large numbers of people such as television, newspapers and radio. 

  • The word "Media" in the Modern Age is defined as one of the means or channels of general communication in society. Some of these examples are newspapers, radio, television, etc.
  • It can also be defined as the beginning of human communication through designed channels. These channels however are not vocalization or gestures. The oldest form of human communication dates back to ancient cave paintings, drawn maps and writing


  • Today, the term "Media" can mean different things to different people, depending on how it was used.
  • The media is used for communicating via television, print and radio. The idea or content could be in the form of video, print or audio and it could be fiction or non-fiction. It could be professionally produced or non-professional (think public access). That definition still applies to the term "Media" in the Digital Age, but it has been expanded to include online and social media.

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